Ailo Grow using opportunities to help you track and manage potential new managements for your business.
So, for example, you receive a voicemail from an investor called David Smith. In the message David mentions that he is the owner of 29 Acacia Road and is enquiring about the property management services your business offers. He asks if you can call him back on his mobile number.
In Ailo, your first step would be to add David Smith as a contact. See 'Creating a Contact'
Once this is done you would then search for the property 21 Douglas Drive and add David Smith as a contact to this property. You have now created an opportunity, which will have automatically been created in the Discovered Funnel stage. See 'Creating an opportunity'. You will now use this opportunity to manage and track how you progress with David and 21 Douglas Drive.
From now on you will be able to find this opportunity by looking for the property address in your Active Opportunities space and track the opportunity as you move it through the various funnel stages until you hopefully win the management. See 'Viewing your active opportunities'
From the opportunity you will also be able to start and track communications with David via email and SMS through Ailo's unified chat function.