For Console users:
Gained and lost managements will only appear on the gained and lost management Ailo graph if you have marked the property as a ‘statistical gain’ or ‘statistical loss’. This happen either while creating a property or archiving a property in Console.
Gained and lost managements are recorded by calendar month.
For REST users:
Gained and lost managements will only appear on the gained and lost management Ailo graph if you have included a gained or lost date in the ‘Gained/Lost’ tab of the property card.
Ailo also records Gained and Lost managements in retrospect. This means that if you enter a gained/lost date as 22 Feb but do this in March, after end of month (EOM), REST will not show this in the February gained/lost report but Ailo will.
Gained and lost managements are recorded by calendar month.
For PropertyMe users:
If the management gained or lost date is changed retrospectively then the date of lost or gained management will change to reflect the latest date entered.
If a management has been previously archived and has no lost date, un-archiving and then re-archiving will see the date of the lost management recorded as the re-archive date.