Getting setup on Ailo Connect is a simple process handled by our Ailo technical support team.
When you sign-up for any Ailo product plans that require access to your Trust system - see our article "What is Ailo Connect and why do I need it? ") you will automatically be contacted by our support team to arrange a time to access your Trust accounting system server.
Using software called Team Viewer our technical support team will login remotely to your trust accounting system server to install Ailo Connect. This is very quick and simple and takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
For PropertyMe our technical support team will send you instructions on how to setup Ailo access from within PropertyMe. This is a very simple process that takes less than a minute to complete.
Once Ailo Connect is installed there will be a 72 hour period whilst we complete the initial upload of the data. We will notify you as soon as this upload is successfully completed.