The Anniversary NPS survey is sent automatically on the anniversary date of an investor becoming your customer and measures their loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your agency to a friend or colleague, and why.
The Anniversary NPS survey will help you
- Identify potential advocates of your business
- Pinpoint unhappy customers and know how to turn them around
- Understand what customers love about your team and service
- Target areas in the business you could try to improve
- Monitor how well your improvement efforts are working
- Help individuals understand their performance
How the survey works
The NPS survey is sent automatically once a year to each investor on the anniversary of them becoming your customer.
The survey asks how likely they are to recommend your agency to a friend or colleague and why, then we rank them as either a “Promoter”, “Neutral” or “Detractor” based on their response.
All customer responses appear in the Customer Feedback column in Ailo and each customer’s rank and reason for their score is visible on their profile.
Your overall Net Promoter Score and Score by Portfolio is available on your Customer Satisfaction dashboard.
How are NPS surveys different to Customer Satisfaction surveys?
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) measures a customer’s satisfaction with a specific experience — for example the Ailo New Tenancy Survey measures an investors satisfaction with their new tenancy experience. NPS measures customer loyalty and a wider brand experience.
What is a Net Promoter Score?
Your Net Promoter Score is the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors. You can use this score to track your performance over time.
What are NPS Promoters, Neutrals and Detractors?
This is a way of ranking your customers based on their likely loyalty to your agency. Below is an explanation of the three rankings.
Promoters (gave a score of 9 or 10)
These are your happiest customers and most enthusiastic advocates. They are far more likely than others to remain customers and to increase their purchases over time. They usually account for over 80% of referral business and are your most pleasant customers to deal with.
Neutrals (gave a score of 7 or 8)
The customers in this group are satisfied—for now. Their repurchase and referral rates are as much as 50 percent lower than those of promoters. Their referrals are likely to be qualified and less enthusiastic. Most telling: if a competitor’s ad catches their eye, they may defect.
Detractors (gave a score of 0 to 6)
Detractors are unhappy customers. They account for more than 80 percent of negative word-of-mouth. They have high rates of churn and defection. Some may appear profitable from an accounting standpoint, but their criticisms and bad attitudes diminish a company’s reputation, discourage new customers and demotivate employees.
Where can I find more information about NPS?
NPS is a well known survey framework and there is lots of information available online if you would like to learn more.
When is the NPS survey sent?
The Ailo NPS survey is sent automatically each year on your customer’s anniversary date. It’s an opportunity for your customer to reflect on their experience with your business over the past 12 months.
When will I see my NPS survey results?
You’ll receive NPS feedback throughout the year as customer anniversary dates fall due.
How will you make sure my customers don’t receive too many surveys?
Ailo’s smart scheduling checks when the customer last received a survey and makes sure there has been a reasonable amount of time between surveys before another one is sent.
All surveys triggered by your trust system, including this new NPS survey are prioritised over the general customer satisfaction survey.
Who is the NPS survey available to?
The NPS survey is available to customers on the Evolve or Lead tiers.
Is there anything I need to do to use this survey?
No, NPS surveys are scheduled automatically using information from your Trust Accounting system.